Selamat datang di Toko Online kami, banyak terdapat product Frame Kacamata terbaru yang selalu kami update setiap hari. Selain itu kami juga menawarkan Product Lensa dari berbagai merk (Essilor, Carl Zeiss, HOYA, NIKON, KODAK, LEINZ dll). Jika ada yang ditanyakan, mengenai material, size, warna dll dari product kami, silahkan hubungi ( 0813 1033 9098 ), Email: Kami siap membantu anda. SELAMAT BERBELANJA, Optik BRYANT...
Toko Offline Optik Bryant di Mangga Dua Square Lantai GF Blok C No.180a (Buka Setiap Hari, Pukul 11.30 sd 18.00)
Per 1 Maret 2023, semua product Swissflex mengalami kenaikan sebesar 40%-45%. Kenaikan ini berdasarkan Price List terbaru yang dikeluarkan Distributor Resmi Swissflex Indonesia, Jakarta.
Dapatkan CICILAN 0% di Tokopedia dan Bukalapak untuk product Frame Original dan Lensa kami



Revolutionary high-tech polymers with medical properties
  • are ultra-light, flexible and stable
  • feel comfortable and natural
  • do not cause skin irritation and are antiallergenic.
Unique fit systems for nose and ears
  • guarantee tailor-made sensation
  • adapt perfectly to each face (no pressure points)
  • ensure perfect visual points without fatigue or strain.



Modular system of frame elements developed in-house combines maximum flexibility and individual freedom to interchange components according to style and functionality.
Refined color and finishing system offer an individual touch possible for every mod

100% Swiss-made

As a pioneer in high-tech polymer frames, Eye-Systems develops and manufactures 100% in Switzerland with highest precision and care, in order to
  • ensure remarkable quality
  • guarantee precise processing standards


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OPENING 27 Februari 2017!!! Toko Offline Optik Bryant di Mangga Dua Square Lantai GF Blok C No.180a (Buka Setiap Hari, Pukul 11.00 sd 18.30)
Jam Pelayanan Custumer ONLINE: SENIN sd MINGGU, Jam 08.00 - 19.00 WIB